Instruction Manual
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Note: You may be prompted to restart once the install completes.
4. Connect the adapter to an available USB port on your system.
Mac OS
Note: Do not connect the adapter to your system before installing the driver.
1. Insert the provided CD into your DVD/CD-ROM drive.
2. Browse to the “Mac\AX88179_178A_Macintosh_10.6_to_10.8_Driver_v1.4.0_
Binary_20130423\” folder on the disc.
3. Mount the AX88772C.dmg le, and then run the AX88772C.pkg application to
start the install.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Note: You may be prompted to restart once the install completes.
5. Connect the adapter to an available USB port on your system.
Verifying Installation
1. Open the Device Manager by right-clicking on Computer, and then select Manage.
In the new Computer Management window, select Device Manager from the left
window panel (For Windows 8, open the Control Panel and select
Device Manager