Instruction Manual
NOTE: Because the Device Management Utility uses broadcast UDP packets,
conguration is only allowed when the device’s password is left empty.
Web Console Conguration
In addition to basic IP Address and subnet mask, specic device settings can be set
using an Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape etc.
If the IP Address of the adapter is already known (default is, enter it into
the browser address line to launch the Login Page.
The Login Page
Once the Login Page has been launched (as shown on page 6), the following will be displayed:
System time elapsed
The time elapsed since the adapter was connected to the LAN will be displayed here.
Firmware version
The installed rmware will be identied here by date code.
Serial number
The adapter serial number consists of ve digits and a unique MAC address used by the
network in hexadecimal format.
Password (Setup login)
This eld allows you to enter the administration password for authentication. By
default, the password is left empty. If you have changed the password to something
other than the default, press and hold the Reset button (located next to the RJ45 port)
for ve seconds. The adapter will power cycle; once it has been re-detected on the
network, the password will have been reset to default. Please note that if there are
more than three consecutive incorrect password attempts, the login function will be
disabled for 15 minutes. During this period, even if the correct password is supplied,
the login will not proceed