
Instruction Manual
Please note: IDE1810U2Z includes two enclosure frames that can be used to
house the hard drive, depending on the physical size of the drive. Prior to
installation, please note which frame is suitable to accomodate the hard drive
you will be using, allowing enough room within the enclosure to safely contain
the hard drive and the necessary CE ATA connector.
If you find that the frame used in the pre-configured enclosure is not suitable (based on
size) to house the hard drive you will be using, please follow steps #1-7. If the hard drive
you will be using is small enough to fit within the enclosure as is, please skip to step #8.
To replace the enclosure frame (according to the size requirements of the hard drive)
1. Remove the screw located at the top of the enclosure frame.
2. Using the clear plastic tab, gently pull the front panel off of the enclosure frame.
3. a. Remove the circuit board from inside the enclosure. This can be done by gently
applying outward pressure to the enclosure from inside, while lifting the bottom
(closest to the center) of the circuit board out of the enclosure:
OOppttiioonnaall:: CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee DDrriivvee EEnncclloossuurree FFrraammee
Gently apply
outward pressure
WARNING: Hard drives require careful handling, especially when being
transported. If you are not careful with your hard disk, lost data may result.
Always handle your hard drive and storage device with caution.
3. b. Optional: Please note: IDE1810U2Z is pre-configured for installation of Toshiba
hard drives. If you will be using an Hitachi hard drive, please replace the ZIF cable
Using your fingernails or a small
slot-headed screwdriver, gently
pull the interface tab (brown in
color) out from the interface
connector, in order to release the
tension holding the ZIF cable in
place. Remove the (pre-installed)
Toshiba cable from the connector.