
3.0 Summary of Commands Listed by Functional Category
(These commands are explained in detail with more detailed functioning examples further
in this document.)
Network Commands
IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x is the IP of this device
MASK xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x is the Network Mask of this device
GW xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x is the Gateway of this device
DHCP x Where x is the DHCP setting: 1=ON 0=OFF
Wireless LAN Commands
CHAN x Where x is the channel setting 1-14
MODE x Where x Network Mode x = a(ad hoc) b(infrastructure) p(Pseudo IBSS)
SSID xxxxxxxxx Where x is the multi-character SSID network name
RATE x Where x is the Tx rate, 1,2,5,11 mbps
WEP x Where x is WEP key 0=OFF, 1=64bit, 2=128bit
WK x yyyyyyyyyy Load WEP Encryption Key into WEP buffers 1, 2, 3 or 4
WKID x Where x is the Buffer of the WEP encryption key in use 1, 2, 3 or 4
AA x Where x is the authentication: A=Auto, S=Shared Key, O=Open
Serial Port Commands
BAUD x Where x is serial port baud rate, 0=115200, 1=57600, 2=38400, 3=9600
FCTL x Where x is Serial Flow Control setting, 1=ON, 0=OFF
PORT xxxxx Where x= TCP Serial Port Number (Default value is 1001)
Server/Client Settings
RMODE x Where x is CLIENT or SERVER setting for this device
RIP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Where x is Server Target Remote IP when this device is in Client
RPORT xxxxx Where x is Server Target Remote PORT when this device Client mode.
Enter Command Mode
SetUpWLAN Gatekeeper Command Entry String
Exit and Save Settings Commands
SAVE SAVE Command (Saves only but does not Exit Configuration Mode.)
SE SAVES and EXITS Command Mode simultaneously
Other Commands
PSMOD x Where x is the power saving mode: 1=ON 0=OFF
RES Reset as if a Hardware reset was applied
DEF Restores all settings to Factory Default
MAC Read-Only command that display the unique MAC address
VER Read-Only command returns Firmware Version Number
HELP Displays list of all available Commands along with abbreviated format
LIST Displays alphabetic readout of all Mini-b Settings