
Federal CommunicationsCommissionRadio Frequency Interference Statement
hasbeen tested andfoundto complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuantto
Part 15ofFCC Rules. ‘f?teselimits aredesignedto provide reasonableprotection againstharmfulinterfer-
encein a residentialinstallation. This equipmentgenerates,uses andcan radiate radiofrequencyenergy
and,if not installed andused in accordancewith theinstructions, may causehamrfufinterferenceto radio
communications. However,there is no guaranteethat irrterferencewilt not occurin aparticular installation.
If this equipment doescause harmfulinterference to radioortelevisiorr reception, which canbe determined
by turningthe equipnent off andon, the user is encouragedto try to correctdreinterference by one ormore
of the foflowirrgmeasures.
Reorient or relocate thereceiving antenna.
Increasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentand receiver.
Connectthe equipment intoan outlet ona circuit differentfrom that to which the receiveris connected.
Consult the dealer or anexperiencedradio~V technicianfor help.
Unauthorizedmedificaticmsof drisproductby the user willvoid his authorityto operate the equipment
unfessexpressly approvedbydseparty responsiblefor compliance.
For compliance withthe Federal Noise InterferenceStandard, this equipmentrequiresa shielded cable.
Theabove statement applies onlytoprinters marlrded inthe U.S.A.
Statement of The Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference
This digital apparatusdoes not exceedtheClass B limits for radionoise emissimrsfrmrrdigitafapparatusset
out inthe Radio Interference Regulationsof the CanadianDepartmentof Ccmmunicatimrs.
Leprt%entapparcil numt%iquen’~menpas debruits radio61ectiquesd6passantles limites applicable aux
ama~ifs num~riquesdela classe Bprescribesdans IeR~glementsur lebrO~flage radi~lectrique ~dict~par
le minisere des Communicationsdu Canada.
Theabovestatement applies only toprinters marketed inCarradh.
VDE Statement
This device carries the VDERFI protection markto certify that itmeets dre radiointerference requirements
of the Postal OrdinanceNo. 243/1991. The additionalmarking “Vfg.243/P”expressesin shortform that this
is a peripheral device(notoperablealone) whichonlyindividually mee~sthe Class BRFI requirements in
accordancewith the DIN VDE 0878part 3/11.89andthe Postal Ordinance243/1991.
If this deviceis operatedin conjunctionwith otherdevices within a set-up,in orderto rake advantageofa
“General(operating) Authorization”in accordancewiththe Postal Ordinance243/1991,the complete set-up
must comply wi~ the CfassB limits in accordancewith the DINVDE 0878part 3/11.89,as welfas satisfy
thepreconditions in accordancewith $21 and theprerequisitesin accordancewith $3 of the Postal
As a rule, this is only fulfilled when thedeviceis operatedin a set-up whichhas ben type-tested and
provided with a VDE RFf protectionmark withthe additionalmarking “Vfg243”.
Machine Noise Information Ordinance3. GSGV, January 18, 1991: The soundpressurelevel at the
O~rstOr positiOnis equalor less mm 70 dB (A) accOrding10ISO 7779.
The abovestatement applies only toprinters marketed in Germany.
Trademark Acknowledgements
SJ-144MC SJ-144: Star Micronics Co., Ltd.
Macintosh, ColorSync, TrueType fonts and QuickDraw: Apple Computer, Inc.
Xerox4024: Xerox Corporation
Hammermill LaserPrint: International Paper Company
Alfrigbts reserved. Reproduction of anypart of this manualin anyform whatsoever withoutSTAR’s
expresspermission is forbidden.
The contents ofthis manual are subjectto changewithoutnotice.
Alfefforts have ken made to ensurethe accuracyof thecontents of [hismanualat the time of press.
However, shouldanyerrors bedetected, STAR wouldgreatly appreciatebeing informedof them.
The abovenotwithstanding, STAR can assumeno responsibilityfor any errorsin thismanual.
0 Copyright 1994StarMicronics Co., Ltd.