
Printing on fanfold paper
Two useful features of the NX-2450 Rainbow/Colour
that facilitate the use of continuous stationery are paper
parking (fanfold paper can remain installed in the
printer while you temporarily switch to printing on sin-
gle sheets), and the tear-off function (you can remove
printed output without losing the current paper posi-
tion). These are described in the following sections.
You can also use the same paper position adjustment
techniques, such as line feed and form feed, that you
use with single cut sheets. These are described on
page 59 of Chapter 4.
You can also set a new auto load position (the distance
from the top of each new page at which the printer auto-
matically starts printing) specifically for fanfold paper.
This is independent of the cut sheet auto load position.
Both auto load positions can be saved as part of a
macro, so that you do not have to reset them each time
you switch the printer off and on again.
Setting the auto load position is described on page 60 of
Chapter 4. Saving macro settings is described on
page 62 of Chapter 4.
When printing on continuous stationery, take care not
to print too close to the perforations which separate
each sheet. This can cause poor quality output, paper
misalignment or paper jamming. The recommended
printable area for fanfold paper is shown in the following