
Rev. 0.70
ESC RS m n
[Name] Enable,disableblackmarkdetection
[Code] ASCII ESC RS m n
Hexadecimal 1B 1E 6D n
Decimal 27 30 109 n
[DenedArea] n=0,1,2,48,49,50
[Initial Value] Memory SW
[Function] Switchesttoenable/disableblackmark(BM)detectioncontrol
switch. (However, that excludes the TOF operation that occurs when the power is turned ON.)
n Black mark detection settings
0, 48 Invalid
1, 49 Valid
2, 50 Executes validate + TOP to the BM cutting position + paper full cut (SP542)
This command executes a BM TOF + paper full cut only when the current setting is
(*) Precautions when specifying n = 2
executed once, the same operation is executed after replacing paper.
Affected Functions
Function When BM is Valid (n = 1, 2, 49, 50) When BM is Invalid (n = 0, 48)
Press FEED Top of form to printing start position Feed one line
BM Error Supported Invalid
Memory switch (for BM) Supported Invalid
EOT status (for BM) Supported Invalid
ASB status (for BM) Supported Invalid
Affected Commands
Class Commands When BM is Valid (n = 1, 2, 49, 50) When BM is Invalid (n = 0, 48)
BM Command FF Top of form to printing start position Form feed
ESC d 2 TOF to cutting position + full cut Paper fed to cutting position + full cut
ESC d 3 TOF to cutting position + partial cut Paper fed to cutting position + partial cut
Page control ESC C Ignored Set page length to n lines
ESC C 0 Ignored Set page length to n inches
VT Ignored
ESC B Ignored Setverticaltabposition
ESC N Ignored Setbottommargintonlines
ESC O Ignored Cancelbottommargin
Note that at the point that this setting is switched, the current position is cleared to its default value in the
same way as turning the power ON.
Also, the auto-status BM sensor detection is also initialized to white.
invalid for each receipt.