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submaximal exercise tests and that person’s heart rate response to a fixed
workload is found to decrease over time, it is reasonably safe to conclude that
the individual has made improvements in aerobic (cardiorespiratory) fitness, irre-
spective of the accuracy of the VO
2 max
Pretest Screening
Prior to any exercise test (maximal or submaximal), participants should complete
a brief health/medical questionnaire, have their resting blood pressure and heart
rate measured, and provide an informed consent form. The Physical Activity
Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) is an example of a valid health/medical
questionnaire for screening individuals prior to submaximal exercise testing.
Canadian health and fitness practitioners have extensively (and quite success-
fully) used the PAR-Q to determine whether individuals should be given an
exercise test. A “yes” answer to any of the seven questions on the PAR-Q would
disqualify a participant from taking part in an exercise test until appropriate
medical clearance was obtained.
1. Has your doctor ever said you have a heart condition and recommended
only medically supervised physical activity?
2. Do you have chest pain brought on by physical activity?
3. Have you developed chest pain within the past month?
4. Do you tend to lose consciousness or fall over as a result of dizziness?
5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be aggravated by the
proposed physical activity?
6. Has a doctor ever recommended medication for your blood pressure or a
heart condition?
7. Are you aware, through your own experience or a doctor’s advice, of any
other physical reason against your exercising without medical supervi-
The StairMaster Submaximal Fit Test
The StairMaster branching protocol is a series of 3-minute stages of
continuous exercise at increasing intensity. The first stage is a warm-up at ap-
proximately 4 METs. The intensity of the remaining stages is based on the heart
rate response to the warm-up. The test is designed to raise the steady