
5.1 Introduction
The Duende PCIe EQ and Dynamics Channel Strip plug-in is based on the EQ and compressor sections of the XL 9000 K Series
console. SSL were the first manufacturer to feature dynamics and EQ on every channel on an in-line console with the SL 4000
B Series in 1977. The plug-in includes separate high and low pass filters, a four band parametric equalizer, an independent
compressor/limiter and gate/expander as well as input and output gain adjustment knobs and a phase invert button. Let’s have
a closer look at each section in detail.
5.2 Input Section
Gain: Controls the level of the incoming audio signal.
Ø (Phase Reverse): Reverses the phase of the incoming input signal.
5. Duende PCIe EQ and Dynamics Channel Strip