Music on Google Play
Getting Music
Before you can listen to your music, you need to
load songs into your phone. Here’s one way to do it:
1. Use the supplied USB cable to connect your
phone to an available USB port on your computer.
2. Drag down the notifications bar and make sure
your phone’s USB connection is set to
Media device (MTP).
3. On your computer, locate the new removable disk,
open it, and open or create a Music folder.
4. Copy music files from your computer to the music
folder, follow the procedures to safely remove the
drive, and then disconnect the phone from the
USB cable.
Note: These instructions for loading music are for
transferring music from a Windows computer only.
To view instructions for transferring music from a
Macintosh computer, please refer to the User Guide
on sprint.com/support.
Purchasing Music On Google Play
In addition to loading songs on to your phone, with
music on Google Play, you can store up to 20,000 of
your songs in the cloud for free and discover new
artists, browse millions of tracks and share the
music you buy with your friends on Google+™.