Section 2H: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 163
Voice Services
To adjust the Sensitivity setting:
1. Press and hold the Speaker Key. (Your phone displays the
Saya command screen.)
2. Press Settings (left softkey).
3. Highlight Sensitivity and press
4. Using your navigation keys adjust the slider to the
desired level.
5. Press OK (left softkey).
Adapting Digit Dial
Some users with heavy accents or distinctive voices find it
difficult to use Digit Dialing.
The Adapt Digits feature allows Voice Recognition to
recognize the way specific persons say digits. Adaptation
involves recording several digit sequences to teach Voice
Recognition to recognize your voice. The adaptation process
takes about three minutes.
After using Adapt Digits, your phone will be customized to
your voice. Other people will not be able to use Digit Dial on
your phone unless they reset the phone to factory defaults.
To adapt Digit Dial to your voice:
1. Press and hold the Speaker Key. (Your phone displays the
Saya command screen.)
2. Press Settings (left softkey).
3. Highlight Digit Dialing and press
4. Select Adapt Digits and press
If your phone recognizes digits with an acceptable level of
accuracy, you will find no additional benefit from using
Adapt Digits.