Purchasing and Downloading Games
To purchase and download games for your phone:
1. From the home page, select Downloads > Games.
2. Use your navigation key to select a game you wish
to download, or use the Categories or Search
options to locate a game. (Once you have selected
an item, the game detail page is displayed.)
3. From the game detail page, select Buy. (The game
will download automatically. When the New
Download screen appears, the game has been
successfully downloaded to your phone.)
Playing Games
To play a downloaded game on your phone:
1. Press > My Content > Games.
2. Select the game you wish to play. (If applicable, a
prompt will display the days remaining on the game
license and ask if you want to continue. Select Ye s.)
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to play the
game. (Instructions and game options can usually
be accessed using your phone’s softkey buttons.)
4. When you are finished, select Exit (or Quit) or
press . (A prompt will be displayed: “Do you
want to exit?”)
5. Select Resume to continue playing or Exit to exit.
For complete instructions on downloading, see
“Downloading Content” on page 34.