General Functions 13
Assistive Communication Devices
TTY (Text Telephony) and TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) allow individuals
who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech or language disabilities to communicate by
When a user types his or her conversation on a TTY keyboard, it is transmitted as tones through
the telephone. Tones are received by the other person’s TTY, translated into text and displayed
on the screen. In order to use the TTY network, you must have a TTY-compatible phone and be
in the TTY mode to place or receive calls. Note that most digital wireless devices are TTY-
Keyboard Codes
You may use the keyboard codes under certain conditions. The following table lists and
describes the keyboard codes messages.
Volume adjustment
##11* Setting the voice volume to level 1
##12* Setting the voice volume to level 2
##13* Setting the voice volume to level 3
##14* Setting the voice volume to level 4
*86 Accessing the voicemail
Call forwarding activate
*72+NUM Activating Call Forwarding
Call forwarding
*720 Deactivating Call Forwarding
##56*0# Activating TTY off mode
##56*1# Activating TTY full mode
##56*2# Activating VCO (voice carry over) mode
##56*3# Activating HCO (hearing carry over) mode
Turn off voicemail
##54*0# Turning off voicemail indicator from device
Note: NUM is the phone number where you want calls to be forwarded.