4. Select Enter. You will see a disclaimer for Wireless
Chat. Select IAgree to enter the Chat menu.
5. Use your keypad to enter a nickname and select
6. Highlight a chat room from the menu (for
example, Singles, Over 20s, or Flirts) and press Go.
Once in the chat room, you may scroll through the
postings to read messages from other chat room
participants. To update the displayed messages,
select Manual refresh.
To post a message:
1. Select Add Text.
2. Enter your message. Use your right softkey to
select a text entry mode.
3. Select Send.
To set up a private chat room:
1. Select 1->1.
2. Select a participant with whom you’d like to
launch a private chat room. A message will be
sent to the person’s chat screen (or to yours if
someone is requesting a private chat with you):
[Nickname] requested a 1->1. Do u accept? Yes No
If the invited party accepts, a private chat room will
To exit a chat room:
ᮣ Select Leave Room.
Accessing Wireless Chat Help
To read a brief overview of how to use Wireless Chat
and a list of common softkey abbreviations, just select
Help from the Wireless Chat main menu.