XCI-SX1 SDK / SDK Technical Manual
- runs configuration scripts with generation of shared
libraries enabled
2. make clean
- automatically runs configure with the default (no) options
and then removes all the binary objects.
3. make
- compiles the FLTK library
4. make install
- copies the required files to where they should be located
(to /usr/local/lib)
2.5.3 LibJPEG
The JPEG library is used for converting raw images generated by the
camera into jpeg format. This functionality is used by the Web Monitor.
The JPEG library used is the same library provided by MVL in
/usr/lib directory.
2.6 Service Installation
2.6.1 Apache Web Server
To enable the user to develop Web applications, the Apache Web
version 1.3.31 server with PHP libraries version 4.3.5rc3 is installed on
the development environment. Apache is a public-domain open source
HTTP server. (http://httpd.apache.org/) PHP, on the other hand, is a
widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited
for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. (
Please refer to steps listed below for the instructions on how to build the
Apache Web server and the PHP library.
1. cd /usr/src/apache_1.3.31
- changes directory to source directory of Apache (/usr/src)
2. ./configure
- runs configuration script of Apache
3. cd /usr/src/php-4.3.5RC3