
RS-232C Command List
Flicker Less ON
Send two commands together, in a [E3**], [E4**]
order, one after the other.
(The camera returns an [OKAY] after each and every
Flicker Less ON [E328] [E401]
Shutter speed (STEP)
Send two commands together, in a [E3**], [E4**]
order, one after the other.
(The camera returns an [OKAY] after each and every
1/60 (PAL 1/50) [E328][E400]
FL [E328][E401]
1/250 [E328][E403]
1/500 [E328][E404]
1/1000 [E328][E405]
1/2000 [E328][E406]
1/4000 [E328][E407]
1/10000 [E328][E408]
1/20000 [E328][E409]
1/50000 [E328][E40A]
1/100000 [E328][E40B]
Shutter speed (Variable)
Send two commands together, in a [E3**], [E4**]
order, one after the other.
(The camera returns an [OKAY] after each and every
Shutter speed NTSC PAL
Slow 1/50 [E348] [E400]
: : : :
: 1/59.7 [E348] [E432]
: 1/60 [E348] [E432] [E348] [E433]
: : : : : :
: 1/120 [E348] [E4B5] [E348] [E4B5]
: : : : : :
: 1/1000 [E349] [E428] [E349] [E428]
: : : : : :
Fast 1/100000 [E349] [E4FF] [E349] [E4FF]
For details on the shutter speed, see “Shutter Speed
and the Settings Command” on page 21.
White Balance Settings
WB mode (AWB/ATW/Manu/3200K/5600K)
AWB [EA30](One Push AWB)
ATW [EA31]
Manu [EA33]
3200K [EA34]
5600K [EA35]
One Push AWB
start [C800]
One Push AWB: Starts after the image is taken with
the appropriate exposure when a
white object fills the entire screen.
AWB Answer (Acknowledgement (Ack)
returned from the camera in response to a
One Push AWB)
OK [C208] AWB Finished Normally
NG [C018] Automatic adjustment not possible due to
unacceptable level of accuracy
Level Hi [C003] Exposure too bright
Level Lo [C004] Exposure too dark
Ctemp Hi [C005] Light source color temperature too high
Ctemp Lo [C006] Light source color temperature too low
From the time [C800] is received, until Answer Back
is sent, a delay of a maximum of as long as
approximately 10 seconds may occur. During that
period, do not send commands from the host.
ATW speed
slow [EB31]
norm [EB32]
fast [EB33]