The SIRIUS|XM TTR1 Radio allows you to listen to all of the channels on your
Premium SIRIUS|XM Internet Radio subscription package using either a wireless
Internet connection (Wi-Fi), or using a wired Ethernet connection.
You must be subscribed to the Premium SIRIUS|XM Internet Radio service to use
the SIRIUS|XM TTR1 Radio. You can add this service to your existing SIRIUS or XM
subscription, or subscribe only to the Premium SIRIUS|XM Internet Radio service.
For SIRIUS service go to www.sirius.com/siriusinternetradio or call 888-539-7474
to subscribe. For XM service go to www.xmradio.com/getxmro or call 800-967-
2346 to subscribe. When subscribed, you will be provided with your account user
name and password.
To verify that you are subscribed to the service, listen online:
• For SIRIUS service go to www.sirius.com. Click on the LISTEN ONLINE link,
and then click the LAUNCH ONLINE PLAYER link. Enter your username
and password. Select a channel to listen to and then click on the PREMIUM
link. If you can listen in the Premium mode, then you are subscribed to the
Premium SIRIUS|XM Internet Radio service.
• For XM service go to www.xmradio.com. Click on the LISTEN ONLINE NOW
link and then enter your email address and password. If you can listen, then
you are subscribed to the SIRIUS|XM Internet Radio service.
Close the browser window to exit the player before continuing.
The SIRIUS|XM TTR1 Radio supports a wireless Internet connection through any
standard 802.11b/g access point. This includes wireless networks which are WEP/
WPA/WPA2 protected and require a password, and wireless networks where the
network name (SSID) is hidden. Once you have connected to a wireless network,
the Radio will remember your network settings so you will not have to enter the
information again, unless you perform a reset of the Radio to the factory defaults.