Getting Started
Table of contents
“Memory Stick” operations
(except DCR-TRV240)
Using “Memory Stick”
– Introduction ............................... 116
Recording still images on
“Memory Stick”s
– Memory Photo recording ......... 124
Superimposing a still image in the
“Memory Stick” on an image
– MEMORY MIX .......................... 129
Recording images from a tape as still
images ............................................ 135
Copying still images from a tape
– PHOTO SAVE ............................ 138
Recording moving pictures on
“Memory Stick”s
– MPEG movie recording ............ 140
Recording pictures from a tape as
moving pictures ............................ 142
Recording edited pictures as a
moving picture
– Digital program editing
(on “Memory Stick”s) .................. 146
Viewing still images
– Memory Photo playback .......... 150
Viewing moving pictures
– MPEG movie playback ............. 153
Viewing images recorded on
“Memory Stick”s on your
computer........................................ 155
Copying images recorded on
“Memory Stick”s to tape ............. 164
Enlarging still images recorded on
“Memory Stick”s
– Memory PB ZOOM ................... 166
Playing back images in a continuous
loop – SLIDE SHOW .................... 168
Preventing accidental erasure
– Image protection........................ 170
Deleting images – DELETE ............... 171
Writing a print mark
– PRINT MARK ............................ 174
Using the optional printer ................. 176
Types of trouble and how to correct
trouble ............................................ 178
Self-diagnosis display......................... 184
Warning indicators and messages.... 185
Additional Information
Digital8 system, recording and
playback ......................................... 187
About the “InfoLITHIUM” battery
pack ................................................ 189
About i.LINK ....................................... 191
Using your camcorder abroad .......... 193
Maintenance information and
precautions .................................... 194
Specifications ....................................... 199
Quick Reference
Identifying parts and controls........... 201
Index ..................................................... 209