The SRP-X700P Manager enables you to set all parameters of the SRP-X700P.
Starting the SRP-X700P Manager
If the SRP-X700P Manager is started after connecting the SRP-X700P to the personal computer with a USB cable, the present setup of the
SRP-X700P is read.
If the SRP-X700P Manager is started before connecting the SRP-X700P to the personal computer, the default setup of the SRP-X700P when
shipped from the factory is read.
If the SRP-X700P Manager is started by double-clicking the existing setup file (*.x7p), the status stored in the existing setup file is sent to the
The screen images that are used in this manual are all default settings when shipped from the factory.
Names and Functions of Controls on Screen
Common operation section
The controls shown below appear on all the screens.
Section 1 SRP-X700P Manager
1 Menu bar
The titles of the menu are displayed.
You can perform operations that are common to the basic
settings and each setup screen.
File menu
This software allows you to save the parameters of up to 20
scenes and the information in a single setup file (*.x7p).
New: Creates a new setup file.
The new setup file contains the default settings when
shipped from the factory.
Open: Opens an existing setup file.
Open Scene: Opens the specified scene number from the 20
scenes in the existing setup file.
• Specify a setup file. 1
• The information that is set in the specified setup file is
displayed. 2
• Specify the scene number. 3
• The index of the specified scene number is displayed. 4
• Click the Open button. 5
Save: Saves the new data by overwriting the existing data.
Save As: Saves the data under a different name.
Exit: Exits the SRP-X700P Manager.
About Compatibility of Setup File
The setup file that is saved by the SRP-X700P Manager version
1.1 cannot be used by the SRP-X700P Manager version 1.0
because it does not support the downward compatibility. Please
upgrade the SRP-X700P Manager to version 1.1.
Note that the setup file that is saved by the SRP-X700P Manager
version 1.0 can be used by the SRP-X700P Manager version 1.1.