Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Setting up your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
– Advanced
This chapter describes advanced software setup procedures
for your CLIÉ handheld and your computer. These procedures
include: checking the bundled applications on your CLIÉ
handheld, installing applications from the Installation
CD-ROM on your computer, and installing add-on
applications on your CLIÉ handheld.
Checking the bundled applications on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld
... 44
Overview of basic Palm OS
applications ............................ 45
Overview of Sony applications ............................................. 48
Installing the supplied applications on your computer .............. 52
Installing PictureGear™ 4.6Lite........................................... 52
Installing QuickTime
5 ...................................................... 52
Installing Memory Stick Export ............................................. 53
Installing other third-party applications on the supplied
CD-ROM ............................................................................. 54
Installing Acrobat Reader
5.0 ............................................ 54
Uninstalling the supplied applications .................................. 55
Installing add-on applications on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld or
Memory Stick media ........................................................ 56
Installing add-on applications from the Palm™ Desktop for
CLIÉ software ...................................................................... 57
Installing add-on applications by beaming them from another
Palm OS
device................................................................. 60
Removing add-on applications............................................. 62
Customer registration ............................................................... 63