Warning indicators
101-0001 Warning indicator as to file
Slow flashing:
•The file is corrupted.
•The file is unreadable.
•You are trying to carry out MEMORY MIX
on moving pictures (p. 113).
C:21:00 Self-diagnosis display (p. 186)
E The battery pack is dead or nearly dead
Slow flashing:
•The battery pack is nearly dead.
Depending on operational, environmental
or battery conditions the E indicator may
flash, even if there are approximately 5 to
10 minutes remaining.
% Moisture condensation has occurred*
Fast flashing:
•Eject the cassette, set the POWER switch to
OFF (CHG), and leave it for about one hour
with the cassette lid open (p. 197).
Warning indicator as to Cassette
Slow flashing:
•No cassette with Cassette Memory is
inserted (p. 189).
Warning indicator as to the “Memory
Slow flashing:
•No “Memory Stick” is inserted.
Fast flashing:
•The image cannot be recorded on the
“Memory Stick.”*
Warning indicator as to the “Memory
Stick” formatting*
Fast flashing:
•The “Memory Stick” data is corrupted
(p. 99).
•The “Memory Stick” is not formatted
correctly (p. 172).
Warning indicator as to incompatible
“Memory Stick”*
Slow flashing:
•An incompatible “Memory Stick” is inserted.
If indicators appear on the screen, check the following:
See the page in parentheses “( )” for details.
Q Warning indicator as to the tape
Slow flashing:
•The tape is near the end.
•No cassette is inserted.*
•The write-protect tab of the cassette is
effective (red) (p. 190).*
Fast flashing:
•The tape has run out.*
Z You need to eject the cassette*
Slow flashing:
•The write-protect tab on the cassette is
effective (red) (p. 190).
Fast flashing:
•Moisture condensation has occurred
(p. 197).
•The tape has run out.
•The self-diagnosis display function is
activated (p. 186).
- The image is protected*
Slow flashing:
•The image is protected (p. 131).
Warning indicator as to the flash
Slow flashing:
•During charging
Fast flashing:
•The self-diagnosis display function is
activated (p. 186).*
•There is something wrong with the external
flash (optional).
Warning indicator as to still image
Slow flashing:
•The still image cannot be recorded on the
“Memory Stick” (p. 46).
* You hear the melody or beep sound.