Step 2 Setting the date and time
Area Time-zone Area setting
code differences
19 GMT–12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein
20 GMT–11:00 Midway Is., Samoa
21 GMT–10:00 Hawaii
22 GMT–09:00 Alaska
23 GMT–08:00 LosAngeles, Tijuana
24 GMT–07:00 Denver, Arizona
25 GMT–06:00 Chicago, Mexico City
26 GMT–05:00 New York, Bogota
27 GMT–04:00 Santiago
28 GMT–03:30 St. John’s
29 GMT–03:00 Brasilia, Montevideo
30 GMT–02:00 Fernando de Noronha
31 GMT–01:00 Azores
To set your local time
Select AREA in the menu settings, then press
EXEC. Next, select the country or area where
you stay in, using the table above, then press
Area Time-zone Area setting
code differences
1 GMT Lisbon, London
2 GMT+01:00 Berlin, Paris
3 GMT+02:00 Helsinki, Cairo
4 GMT+03:00 Moscow, Nairobi
5 GMT+03:30 Tehran
6 GMT+04:00 Abu Dhabi, Baku
7 GMT+04:30 Kabul
8 GMT+05:00 Karachi, Islamabad
9 GMT+05:30 Calcutta, New Delhi
10 GMT+06:00 Almaty, Dhaka
11 GMT+06:30 Rangoon
12 GMT+07:00 Bangkok, Jakarta
13 GMT+08:00 HongKong, Singapore
14 GMT+09:00 Seoul, Tokyo
15 GMT+09:30 Adelaide, Darwin
16 GMT+10:00 Melbourne, Sydney
17 GMT+11:00 Solomon Is
18 GMT+12:00 Fiji, Wellington
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 272930 31 1 2346810121314161718
Simple setting of clock by time difference
You can easily set the clock to the local time by setting a time difference. Set up the
AREA SET and DST SET items in the menu settings.
See page 182 for more information.