• If you want to pause or temporarily store the system while playing games or
video, put the system in sleep mode before placing it in the pouch. This may
help to avoid overheating.
• Put both the PSP
® system and the remote control in hold mode to help prevent
unintended operation.
Never disassemble the system or supplied accessories
Use the PSP® system and accessories according to the instructions in this
manual. No authorization for the analysis or modification of the system, or the
analysis and use of its circuit configurations, is provided. Disassembling will
void the system warranty. Additionally, there is a risk of fire, electrical shock
or malfunction. The LCD screen, in particular, contains dangerous, high-
voltage parts, and the laser beam for reading UMD
® may cause visual
impairment if exposed directly to the eyes.
Using the access point
When using the PSP® system's 'Scan' function to select the wireless LAN
access point, access points that are not intended for public use may be
displayed. Only connect to a personal access point that you are authorized to
use, or one that is available through a public wireless LAN or hotspot service.
Overseas use
Depending on the country, there are limitations on the use of certain types of
radio waves. In some cases, use of the system may lead to a fine or other
If, for any reason, software or data loss or corruption occurs, it is usually
not possible to recover the software or data. It is recommended that you
regularly back up software and data. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
and its subsidiaries and affiliates will not be held liable for any damages or
injury in the case of software or data loss or corruption.
In accordance with copyright law, no recorded data may be used for
purposes other than personal enjoyment without permission from the
copyright holder.