Menu List
Chapter 6 Menu and Detailed Settings
Gain Switch
Makes settings related
to the GAIN switch.
Gain Low –3dB/0dB/3dB/6dB/9dB/
Specifies the gain value for the
L position of the GAIN switch.
Gain Mid –3dB/0dB/3dB/6dB/9dB/
Specifies the gain value for the
M position of the GAIN switch.
Gain High –3dB/0dB/3dB/6dB/9dB/
Specifies the gain value for the
H position of the GAIN switch.
Gain Turbo –3dB/0dB/3dB/6dB/9dB/
Specifies the gain value for the
Turbo Gain function, which can be
assigned to an assignable switch.
Shockless Gain On/Off Turns shockless gain (a function that
switches smoothly when the gain is
switched) on or off.
Makes settings related
to total level control.
Mode Backlight/Standard/
Selects the auto iris mode used when
the TLCS system is activated.
Backlight: Backlight mode (lessens
the blackout of the main subject
that occurs under backlit
Standard: Standard mode
Spotlight: Spotlight mode (lessens
the whiteout of the main subject
that occurs under a spotlight)
Speed –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the control speed (speed of
reaction to changes in the video)
used when the TLCS system is
activated. (Larger values specify
quicker reaction times.)
AGC On/Off Turns the AGC (auto gain control)
function on or off.
AGC Limit 3dB/6dB/9dB/12dB/
Specifies the maximum gain used
when AGC is on.
AGC Point F5.6/F4/F2.8 Specifies the F value where control
by auto iris switches to control by
AGC, used when AGC is on.
Auto Shutter On/Off Turns the auto shutter function on or
Auto Shutter Limit 1/100 / 1/150 / 1/200 /
Selects the maximum shutter speed
used when auto shutter is on.
Auto Shutter Point F5.6/F8/F11/F16 Specifies the F value where control
by auto iris switches to control by
auto shutter, used when auto shutter
is on.
Makes settings related
to zebra displays.
Zebra Select 1/2/BOTH Selects the zebra pattern type
(Zebra1, Zebra2, Both).
Zebra1 Level 50% to 70% to 107% Specifies the Zebra1 display level.
Zebra1 Aperture
1 to 10% to 20% Specifies the Zebra1 aperture level.
Zebra2 Level 52% to 100% to 109% Specifies the Zebra2 display level.
Menu items Sub-item Settings Description