3-863-237-11 (1)
This chapter describes how to conduct a multipoint videoconference.
For conducting a multipoint videoconference, installation of the optional
PCSA-M3G70 MCU software (for LAN connection) based on the H.323
standard or the optional PCSA-M0G70 MCU software (for ISDN connection)
based on the H.320 standard is required.
Multipoint videoconference among up to ten points including the local site is
available when connecting via a LAN.
When connecting via ISDN lines, you can conduct a multipoint
videoconference among up to six points including the local site. You can use
a normal phone at up to five points over ISDN.
A multipoint videoconference using the ISDN and LAN connections mixed is
also available.
Restrictions on the use of the MCU software
• When a multipoint videoconference is held via LAN, the bandwidth is
automatically set so that the total value of all the points is 4 Mbps at
maximum. The bit rate for each point varies with the points you connect.
• When a multipoint videoconference is held via ISDN, the same number of
channels should be used on all the points and the total channels are up to 12B.
• The supported video modes are H.264, H.263, and H.261 only.
• The supported audio modes are G.711, G.722, G.728, and MPEG4 AAC
Chapter 8: