Getting Help
Troubleshooting (Windows® 2000 Professional systems)
Sony Notebook Computer User Guide
If you are using an external display, check that it is plugged into a power source
and turned on. Check that you have switched to the external display and that the
brightness and contrast controls are adjusted correctly. Please refer to the manual
supplied with your display for details.
Moisture condensation may have occurred. Do not use the computer for at least
one hour and then turn it on.
system properly.
The message “Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to setup” would appear at the bottom
of the display. Should this happen, you need to initialize the BIOS.
Follow the steps in “The message “Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to setup” appears
at startup”.
The message “Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to setup” appears at startup
If the floppy disk drive is empty, follow the steps below to initialize the BIOS:
1 Remove any peripheral devices connected to the computer.
2 Turnthecomputeroffandthenturnitonagain.
3 Turn on the computer and press the F2 key when the Sony logo appears. The
BIOS setup menu screen appears.
4 PressthearrowkeystoselecttheExitmenu.
5 Press the arrow keys to select Get Default Values and then press the Enter key.
The message “Load default configuration now?” appears.
6 Check that [Yes] is selected and then press the Enter key.
7 PressthearrowkeystoselectExit(SaveChanges)andthenpressEnter.