Additional Information
• 3 CH LOGIC mode
Select 3 CH LOGIC mode if you have front
and centre speakers but no rear speaker.
The sound of the rear channel is output
from the front speakers to let you
experience some of the surround sound
without using rear speakers.
Delay time
Time lag between the surround sound output
from front speakers and rear speakers. By
adjusting the delay time of the rear speakers,
you can obtain the feeling of presence. Make
the delay time longer when you have placed
the rear speakers in a small room or close to
your listening position, and make it shorter
when you have placed them in a large room
or apart from your listening position.
Dolby Pro Logic Surround
Decoding system of Dolby Surround sound
standardized in TV programmes and movies.
Compared with the former Dolby Surround
system, Dolby Pro Logic Surround improves
sound image by using four separate channels:
off-screen audio effects, on-screen dialog,
left-to-right panning, and music. These
channels manipulate the sound to be heard
and enhance the action as it happens on the
screen. To take advantage of Dolby Pro Logic,
you should have at least one pair of rear
speakers and/or one centre speaker. You also
need to select the appropriate centre mode to
enjoy a full effect.
Dolby Surround
Encoding and decoding system of Dolby
Surround sound for consumer use. Dolby
Surround decodes the extra channels on the
Dolby Surround-encoded sound tracks of
movie videos and TV programmes and
produces sound effects and echoes that make
the action seem to envelop you.
The amplifier offers Dolby Surround (PRO
LOGIC) as one of the pre-programmed sound
fields. If you have rear or centre speaker(s),
we recommend that you customize the Dolby
Surround sound field by selecting the
appropriate centre mode to take advantage of
Dolby Pro Logic Surround sound.
Effect level
Combination of the level of early reflections
and reverberation. You can adjust the effect
level in 6 levels. As you select higher levels,
the room becomes “live,” and as you select
lower levels, the room becomes “dead.”
speaker (R)
speaker (L)
Variable of sound that composes sound
image, such as tone or delay time. You can
customize the pre-programmed sound fields
by adjusting parameters to suit your listening
Programmable remote
Remote control with “learning” capability.
You can control not only Sony components
but non-Sony components by programming
the control signals of these components.
Sound field
Sound pattern produced by a sounding
source or sources in a given environment due
to direct and reflected sounds and the
acoustics of the environment. The amplifier
offers 6 pre-programmed sound fields (PRO
and GAME) to let you enjoy surround sound
Surround sound
Sound that consists of three elements: direct
sound, early reflected sound (early
reflections) and reverberative sound
(reverberation). The acoustics where you hear
the sound affect the way these three sound
elements are heard. These sound elements are
combined in such a way that you can actually
feel the size and the type of a concert hall.
• Types of sound
• Transition of sound from rear speakers
Early reflections
Direct sound
Direct sound
reflections Reverberation
Early reflection time
Test tone
Signal given out by the amplifier for
adjusting the speaker volume. The test tone
will come out as follows:
• In a system with a centre speaker
The test tone is output from the front L
(left), centre, front R (right), and rear
speakers in succession.
• In a system without a centre speaker
(PHANTOM mode)
The test tone is output from the front and
the rear speakers alternately.
Front (R)Front (L)
Rear (L, R)
Rear (L, R)
Front (L, R)