Listening to the radio
Manually selecting the frequency — Manual tuning
• The unit will perform auto scan when
?K or k?
is held down (see
“Searching the station automatically – Auto scan tuning”, page 20).
• The frequency changes rapidly when K
k is held down and
stops when the button is released. In the AM bands (MW, SW and
LW), the unit scans continuously in the range of 150 to 29 999 kHz.
What is a meter band?
Meter bands refer to frequency bands which short wave
broadcasts are divided into wavelengths. Normally, international
broadcast frequencies are assigned. With this unit, there are 14
meter bands.
Frequency range of bands/meter bands
Unit: kHz for AM, MHz for FM
Frequency Range Scan Frequency Range
Meter band
LW 150–529 153–522 —
MW 530–1 620
530–1 620* —
531–1 620** —
2 250–2 550 120 meter band
3 150–3 450 90 meter band
3 850–4 050 75 meter band
4 700–5 100 60 meter band
5 900–6 250 49 meter band
7 100–7 400 41 meter band
SW 1 621–29 999
9 400–10 000 31 meter band
11 500–12 150 25 meter band
13 500–13 900 22 meter band
15 000–15 900 19 meter band
17 450–18 000 16 meter band
18 850–19 100 15 meter band
21 450–21 950 13 meter band
25 600–26 100 11 meter band
FM 76.00–108.00 76.00–108.00 —
* 10 kHz channel step (see page 15).
** 9 kHz channel step (see page 15).
The actual frequency range of short wave broadcasts and the range of the
meter bands for this unit may differ. Refer to the supplied “Wave
Handbook” for more information.