Two Assignable Buttons
You can assign two required functions to these
functions which are frequently used in the field,
instance to be operated with a single action of
a button, such as Viewfinder Return, Record etc.
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Technical Innovations – Enhance Shooting in the Field
Dual Earphone Output
The HDW-750/730 is equipped with two earphone
outputs, one is output from the front side of the
camcorder body, and the other is from rear side. These
two outputs can be used simultaneously.
Dual Optical Filter Wheels
For the optical picture treatment, two independent filter
wheels, one is for Neutral Density (ND) and the other
is Color Correction (CC), are installed. An optional
servo filter drive unit, the BKDW-701, can also be
fitted allowing filter settings to be changed with the
RM-B750/150 Remote Control Unit.
Tally Lamp
Newly added is the Bottom Tally light located in the
connector panel section of the rear of the camcorder body.
Slot-in Wireless Microphone Receiver
(Built-in UHF Synthesizer Receiver Unit)
The optional WRR-855A/855B Wireless Microphone
Receiver can be fitted directly to the HDW-750/730
camcorder using a slot-in mechanism that gives a cable
less interface between the camcorder and
the receiver. This system increases
mobility by maintaining
compact overall dimensions
even when the receiver is
attached to the camcorder.
*WRR-855A/855B is an option.
Turbo Gain
The inherent sensitivity of the HDW-750/730 is high
enough to capture images under various low light
conditions, but in some situations it is necessary to
image in unusually low light conditions. The Turbo
Gain function immediately boosts up the gain level to
an incredible +42 dB at the touch of the button.
Thanks to this function, it is possible to capture critical
scenes down to around 0.3 lux of incident scene
illumination – somewhat exceeding the color sight
capability of the human eye.
LCD Status Panel and
Diagnostic System
All the main operational controls
and switches are located on the
left-hand side of the camcorder.
The LCD panel is on the same side,
and shows a wide range of status
and diagnostic displays such as
Tape Remaining, Battery Level,
Audio Levels, etc.
Stereo Audio Output
A stereo audio line output is available from the 5-pin
XLR connector on the rear of the camcorder. This
provides two analog audio output channels, which can
be selected to be either Channel-1/2 or Channel-3/4.