Additional information
Before contacting the AIBO Customer Link regarding a problem, we
recommend that you use clinic mode to check AIBO’s balance and sensors,
and refer to “Symptoms and remedies” (page 55).
Clinic mode
If you start up AIBO without inserting an AIBO-ware “Memory Stick,” AIBO
enters clinic mode in which its sensors and other parts are checked. The mode
indicator turns off at this time. If afterwards the problem persists, contact the
AIBO Customer Link (page 8).
Changing AIBO to clinic mode
Remove the AIBO-ware “Memory Stick” from AIBO (page 36).
Place AIBO on the floor as shown below, and then press the pause
button on its back (page 40).
AIBO enters clinic mode and repeats the following
sequence of actions: stands up, sits down, lies