The filter wheel is used to compensate for various lighting
situations. They help to maintain proper color temperatures
when shooting indoors and outdoors. The DXC-3000 has
three filter positions.
It is recommended to use the correct filter when shooting
in the specific color temperature. Therefore, filter #1 is
Filter #1=3200 degrees Kelvin usually used when shooting indoors, and filter #2 & #3 is
Filter #2= 5600 degrees Kelvin w/1/8 ND used outdoors. The ND (Neutral Density) filter is used to
Filter #3=5600 degrees Kelvin compensate for a bright light situation, however in doing
so it does not change the color tmeperature.
Focus Ring Iris Ring
There are many cameras out
there. Some may have as many
as 20 filters. Know your filters!
It can really make or break a
production. Always double
check the settings and make sure
itʼs locked into place.
Many of the studio camera features
will be controlled by the CCUʼs. POWER
This would be the job for the technical Off/Preheat/ON
director or engineer from the control
room. Bars, gain, and white & black
balancing are usually controlled remotely.
Zoom Ring