If your subscription includes a voicemail service, callers can leave voice messages for
you when you can't answer calls. Your voicemail service number is normally saved on
your SIM card. If not, you can get the number from your service provider and enter it
To enter your voicemail number
1 From the Home screen, tap .
2 Find and tap Settings > Call > Voicemail >Voicemail settings > Voicemail
3 Enter your voicemail number.
4 Tap OK.
To call your voicemail service
1 From your Home screen, tap
2 Find and tap Phone.
3 Touch and hold 1.
Visual Voicemail
Visual Voicemail allows users to view, listen to, and save all voicemails in any order
directly from their phone, without needing to call a voicemail system.
To listen to a voicemail message
1 From your Home screen, tap
2 Find and tap Visual Voicemail.
3 In your voicemail inbox, tap the message that you want to listen to.
If this is your first time accessing Visual Voicemail, you may be prompted to enter a new PIN
code and tap Next to activate Visual Voicemail.
To reply to a voicemail message
1 From your Home screen, tap .
2 Find and tap Visual Voicemail.
3 In your voicemail inbox, tap the message that you want to reply to.
4 Tap Call to reply via call-back, or tap Send message to reply via text message.
To refresh your voicemail inbox
1 From your Home screen, tap
2 Find and tap Visual Voicemail.
3 Tap Menu > Refresh.
Wi-Fi Calling
With Wi-Fi Calling, you can make and receive calls and messages over Wi-Fi when your
phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network and registered with the T-Mobile network. By
default, your phone is enabled for Wi-Fi Calling as soon as you enable Wi-Fi. When your
phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network, it will automatically attempt to register with the T-
Mobile network. Please note: To use Wi-Fi Calling you must have a valid E911
emergency address registered in your T-Mobile account. Visit My T-Mobile to add your
Upon successful registration, a blue Wi-Fi Calling icon
will appear in the status bar.
You are now ready to use Wi-Fi Calling. When a call is in progress, the blue Wi-Fi Calling
will change to green .
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