Tuner Operations
Program type
SCIENCE Programs about the natural
sciences and technology
VARIED Other types of programs such as
celebrity interviews, panel
games, and comedy
POP M Popular music programs
ROCK M Rock music programs
EASY M Easy Listening
LIGHT M Instrumental, vocal, and choral
CLASSICS Performances of major
orchestras, chamber music,
opera, etc.
OTHER M Music that does not fit into any
categories above, such as Rhythm
& Blues and Reggae
WEATHER Weather information
FINANCE Stock market reports and trading,
CHILDREN Programs for children
SOCIAL Programs about people and the
things that affect them
RELIGION Programs of religious content
PHONE IN Programs where members of the
public express their views by
phone or in a public forum
TRAVEL Programs about travel. Not for
announcements that are located
by TP/TA.
LEISURE Programs on recreational
activities such as gardening,
fishing, cooking, etc.
JAZZ Jazz programs
COUNTRY Country music programs
NATION M Programs featuring the popular
music of the country or region
OLDIES Programs featuring oldies music
FOLK M Folk music programs
DOCUMENT Investigative features
NONE Any programs not defined above