Spread linebackers out, shift linebackers
in tight, shift linebackers left, shift
linebackers right
Against an expected inside run, shift linebackers tighter;
against an expected outside run, spread linebackers out.
Shift linebackers left or right against corresponding run or
to help free up blitzing linebackers.
Defensive Backs
Put defensive backs into press coverage,
put defensive backs in loose coverage,
show blitz or align coverage.
Press coverage with Press Coverage corners and to slow
down receiver routes; play looser against expected deep
passes. Show blitz to disguise coverage, confuse blockers,
and perhaps force opponent to throw earlier.
After selecting the line, linebackers, or coverage, you can use the right stick to make adjustments to their rush or
coverage duties.
Defensive Line
Crash the line left, crash the line right, crash the
line outside, or crash the line inside.
Adjust the line depending on where you think the
run play will go. Crash left or right against runs
expected in those directions. Crashing outside
can help guard against either and inside against
inside runs.
Blitz the left linebacker, blitz the right linebacker,
hook zones for all linebackers, or blitz all
Change your defensive call at the linebacker
position with these hot routes. Add pass rush to
the left or right side (or all) with linebacker
pressure or call them back into a zone to protect
the middle of the field.
Defensive Backs Shift deep zones left, right, or out.
Shift deep zone coverage toward the side of the
field with more receivers or widen to protect
against streaks.
Defensive Playmaker
Use the defensive playmaker controls to alter the assignment of a specific defender. You can use playmaker to adjust a
specific defender's coverage or to send the defender on a blitz. Defensive linemen can also be used. This list below
reveals some of the changes you can make using playmaker and tips on using them.
● Hook Zone: The hook zone is the area between the tackles about seven to ten yards downfield. A middle
linebacker in hook zone can protect the post from the slot or tight end position. A defensive end could use hook
zone to protect against a quick slant. See the
SportsGamer defense training camp section on Containing the Tight
End for more on using the hook zone.
● Deep: Send a defender into a deep zone coverage. Use if you want additional deep help against an opponent that
is using a lot of streak routes.
● Blitz: Change the selected defender's assignment to blitz. Note that if that defender was in man coverage, it could
leave that receiver open. Use this to increase the rush against the opposing quarterback, especially if there's little
pass protection.
● Curl Zone: The curl zone is the area outside of the hook on either side of the hashmarks. Defenders in a curl zone
could protect the out routes.
● Flat Zone: Use a defender in zone coverage in the flat. Adjust a defender into a flat zone if your opponent has
been hitting backs on flat passes. Check the
SportsGamer defense training camp section Threat Out of the
Backfield for more tips on protecting the flats.
● QB Spy and QB Contain: In QB Spy, the defender will mirror the quarterback's movements. Good for helping
contain a mobile quarterback. Check the
SportsGamer defense training camp section on Containing the Mobile
Quarterback for tips on using QB Spy. QB Contain attempts to contain the quarterback within the pocket.
● Man Coverage: If your opponent is abusing you with a particular receiver then use playmaker to double or even
triple cover that receiver. After selecting your defender and playmaker mode, hit the corresponding offensive
receiver button then move the stick to change the assignment to man coverage.
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