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4. Select the path to the folder where you would like to install the files. You can accept
the default path, C:\GMSVP, type in a new path, or click the Choose button to
navigate to the selected folder. When you are finished, click Next.
Alert: Do not include spaces in the installation path.
5. In the SonicWALL Universal Management Suite Settings screen, select or type in the
IP address to which the SonicWALL GMS services should bind to listen for inbound
TCP, UDP, SNMP, syslog, or other packets. The installer detects and offers radio
buttons for any IP addresses associated with the system. The default is your
management computer IP address. To use a different IP address, select Other and
type the IP address into the field. Click Next.
6. To use a custom port for HTTP or HTTPS traffic to the system’s Web Server, type the
port number into the HTTP Port or HTTPS Port field.
If you receive the message “Cannot bind to the port number specified. Please
specify a different one,” the port you specified is in use by another program, for
example, Internet Information Services (IIS). Specify a different, unused port, such
as 8080.
Tip: If you specify a custom port, you will need to modify the URLs you use to access
GMS by using the following format: http://localhost:<port>/ (to login from the local
host) or http://<ipaddress>:<port>/ (to login from a remote location). For example,
if you specified HTTP port 8080, the URL would be http://localhost:8080/ for a
local host login, or for a remote login.
7. Click Install.