
Push to talk
2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 49
If you press the PTT key to try to
respond to a group while another
member is talking, you hear a
queuing tone, and Queuing is
displayed as long as you press the
PTT key. Press and hold the PTT key,
and wait for the other person to
finish; then you can talk.
Callback requests
If you make a one-to-one call and do
not get a response, you can send a
request for the person to call you
When someone sends you a callback
request, Callback request received is
displayed in the standby mode.
When you receive a callback request
from someone who is not in your
contacts list, you can save the name
to your Contacts.
Send a callback request
You can send a callback request in
different ways.
To send a callback request from the
contacts list in the Push to talk
menu, select Contacts list. Scroll to a
contact, and select Options > Send
To send a callback request from
Contacts, search for the desired
contact, select Options > Contact
details, scroll to the PTT address, and
select Options > Send callback.
To send a callback request from the
group list in the PTT menu, select
Group list, and scroll to the desired
group. Select Options > Active
members, scroll to the desired
contact, and select Options > Send
To send a callback request from the
callback request list in the Push to
talk menu, select Callback inbox.
Scroll to a contact, and select
Options > Send callback.
Respond to a callback
1. To open the Callback inbox, select
View. The list of nicknames of the
persons who have sent you
callback requests is shown.
2. To make a one-to-one call, press
the PTT key.
3. To send a call request back to the
sender, select Options > Send
To delete the request, select