Motorised sprayer - accessories ; For USA only: ECW Statement / Manufacturers Warranty Coverage
9. Motorised sprayer - accessories
Part no.
Dual nozzle For extending the spray width or for simultaneous spraying of two rows of plants 49 00 137
ULV nozzle
49 00 479
ULV metering equipment
49 00 169
Liquid pump type 444
44 00 114
Liquid pump type 450
44 00 235
Extension wand, 60 cm Multiples can be combined in conjunction with the liquid pump 49 00 333
Mister attachment incl. 20 l bottle 49 00 550
SOLO plant protection unit cleaner in a metering bottle 500 ml 49 00 600
10. For USA only: ECW Statement / Manufacturers Warranty Coverage
For USA only
Emissions Control Warranty Statement
The Environmental Protection Agency and Solo are pleased to explain the emission control system on your small non-
road power equipment engine. In the US new small non- road engines must be designed, built, and equipped to meet
the Environmental Protection Agency's standards. Solo must warrant the emission control system on your small non-
road engine for the period of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance of
your small non-road engine.
Your emission control system includes parts such as the carburetor, the ignition system, and the exhaust system.
Where a warrantable condition exists, Solo will repair your small non-road power equipment engine at no cost to you
including diagnosis, parts, and labor.
Manufacturers Warranty Coverage
Solo's small non-road power equipment engines are warranted for a period of two years. If any emission control related
part on your engine is defective, the part will be repaired or replaced by Solo.
Contact Information for Authorized Service Center Locations, Replacement Parts,
Warranty and Technical Information
Warranty repairs must be completed by a SOLO
Authorized Service Center.
SOLO USA, Inc. 1-800-765-6462
5100 Chestnut Avenu techserv@solousa.com
Newport News, VA 23605