
12 Installation
[ S N O M 2 0 0 U S E R M A N U A L V 2 . 0 2 ]
snom technology AG 13
[ S N O M 2 0 0 U S E R M A N U A L V 2 . 0 2 ]
Key Digits Lower case Upper case
0 0 (SPC)_0 (SPC)_0
1 1
2 2 abc2 ABC2
3 3 def3 DEF3
4 4 ghi4 GHI4
5 5 jkl5 JKL5
6 6 mno6 MNO6
7 7 pqrs7$ PQRS7$
8 8 tuv8 TUV8
9 9 wxyz9 WXYZ9
# # Guess number Guess number
* * Toggles upper and lower case
If your network administrator or Internet service provider
installed your phone, the phone will connect automatically to the network.
After it has booted, it will enter the idle state. When this state has been
reached, the time and date are displayed in the rst line of the display.