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intelligent wireless platform
airClientâ„¢ TOTAL 3415 User Guide
The following table summarizes the information for the System Configuration page.
Table 5-1 System Configuration Page Items
5.2. SNTP Setting
The device time comes from the network time information source. The device needs access to a network
timer (NTP time server) source. The NTP time server IP can be configured as follows:
1. From the navigation menu bar, click on Tools | SNTP Setting to configure the NTP Server. A
page as shown below will appear.
2. Enter a valid SNTP server IP address and select the Time Zone. The default NTP server is and the default Time Zone is Singapore.
3. Click on the Save button to configure the NTP.
4. After the Save/Reboot, the network time will appear on the browser, if the NTP server is
Figure 5.2 airClient TOTAL SNTP Time Settings
Page Item Descriptions.
System Name
Name of the airClient TOTAL.
This field links to the SNMP Configuration page settings.
This button Resets the airClient TOTAL unit. A message box is prompted to the
user to confirm the reboot.
SNTP Server
Allows user to set the Network Time Server and Time Zone
Firmware Version
The version of the firmware installed on the unit currently.
Local MAC
The MAC Address of the local airClient TOTAL unit.
Reset to Factory
This button resets the unit to the factory default settings. A message box is
prompted to the user to confirm resetting the unit to factory defaults.
Ethernet MTU Size
Displays the Ethernet MTU size.
System Log
This links to the System Log page settings.
Operational Mode
Displays the operating mode of the unit.
This could be Router or NAT for sB3415-01 and sB3415-02 models.
This could be Bridge or Router or NAT for sB3415-03 model.