Instruction manual
857-164342 / Rev.C
Test - The transmitter is passive and the receiver is active. Each
General Purpose Transceiver board includes a signal generator
injecting a weak test signal (-70.0 dBW) into the receiver’s
input circuitry. The nominal power reading at the display is
-70.0 dBW for channels using one transceiver board (1 kW
single beam) and -64.0 dBW for channels using four boards (4
kW single beam, 4 kW split beam).
The PC Transceiver does not include any test generator, and
there is no difference between the Test and the Passive settings.
Transmit Power
This parameter controls the transmitter’s output power. Output
power is limited either to the maximum rating of the transducer,
or the maximum rating of the transmitter, whichever is the
Pulse Length
This parameter controls the duration of the transmit pulse.
The table below shows the pulse lengths (given in µS) available
for the different operational frequencies.
-- 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384
38 kHz -- -- X X X X X -- --
50 kHz -- X X X X X -- -- --
70 kHz -- X X X X X -- -- --
120 kHz X X X X X -- -- -- --
200 kHz X X X X X -- -- -- --
Table 1 X-axis is pulse length in
S, Y-axis is frequency in kHz. “x” means that the
pulse length is available for the given frequency.
Type - The transducer currently connected to the transceiver is
Depth - In order to measure correct water depth, the echo
sounder needs to know the vertical distance between the vessel’s
water line and the transducer face. Here, enter the depth of the
transducer face relative the waterline.
Note If the Olex system is used, the Depth value must be set to 0
This button opens up the Advanced Transceiver dialogue box
containing detailed numeric information about the transducer
and the channel.
Related topics
→ Advanced Transceiver, page 68