
For WPA2-PSK or WPA-PSK, enter the command:
SET NW WPAPSK <psk> [sets pre-shared key for WPA2 or WPA, where <psk> is
the key]
SET NW WPAGROUP <state> [enables or disables WPA group key mode, where
<state> is ENABLED or DISABLED; default is
For WEP (WEP64 or WEP128), use the following commands:
SET NW KEYVAL <key> [Sets WEP key, where <key> is 10 hex characters for
WEP64 or 26 hex characters for WEP128]
SET NW KEY# n [sets the number of the WEP key that will be used as the
transmit key, where n=1 to 4; default value is 1]
Configuring 802.1X EAP authentication can be complex. Please refer to Appendix A and/or
Appendix B for details of the required commands.
6. To set the serial port, enter the following commands:
SET PORT S1 SPEED <baudrate> [where <baudrate> is 300 to 921600]
SET PORT S1 PARITY <parity> [where <parity> is ODD, EVEN, MARK, or
SET PORT S1 SIZE <databits> [where <databits> is 7 or 8]
SET PORT S1 FLOW <flowcontrol> [where <flowcontrol> is NONE, XON/XOFF,
CTS, or DSR]
The console commands are summarized in Appendix B of this manual.
7. When you have finished entering commands type:
These commands will save the configuration and restart the unit. You are now ready to use the
Serial Device Server.
8. Note that you can also access the Internal Command Console in the following ways:
Internal Web Pages. Use a web browser to connect to the Serial Device Server internal
web pages as described earlier in this chapter. After you have logged in, click Admin on
the left side of the screen, and then click Console. You can now enter console
commands (you must click Enter after each command).
Page 20 Silex Configuring the Serial Device Server
Part Number 140-00188-210A
IMPORTANT: The console command EXIT must always be used in order to save the changes you made with the
internal command Console.