MKH 816 T-3
Frequency response
Operating principle. . .
Dlrectional charactenstlc
Sensltivltyat 1000Hz
Impedance at 1000Hz
Nominalload. . . . . . . . .
Equlvalent sound pressure levelaccordlng
to CCIR468-1
curve A .
MaxImal s.p. I.
Supply voltage
Supply current . . .
Temperature range
Output plug
Wiring .
Dimensions in mm
40 20000 Hz
Interferenee transducer
40 mV/Pa i: 1 dB
approx'8 Q, balanced, floating
"'"400 Q (200 Q up to 10Pa)
approx. 26 dB
approx. 15 dB
15 Pa ("' 118dB)
approx. 6 mA
-1Q°C to + 70°C
3-pln XLR-3-plug,
system Cannon
1:ground. 2:audio, 3: audlo
19 r/J,555 lang
375 9
We reserve the right to alter speciticatlons. In partlcular wlth regard to technical
Shock mount MZS 16
(Art-No. 2992)
Shock mount with rubber
suspended plastic clamps. Pre-
vents handling noise. Equipped
with 3/s"thread for mountlng to
mlcrophone booms, ceiling
mountings or tripods.
MZW 816, MZS 16, MZP 816
This comblnation consists of the
robust, light windscreen basket
MZW 816, shock mount MZS 16
and the inclinable plstol grip
MZP816. The combination is
particularly weil suited for out-
door reportlng use and features
easy handling and high Insensi-
tivity to wind and handling noise.
Windscreen and popp filter
(Art.-No. 0896)
Sponge windscreen for
MKH 8161.
Battery adapter MZA 14 TU
(Art.-No. 2959)
For powering one condenser
microphone (AB-powering
according to DIN 45595).
Powering unit MZN 16 TU
For simultaneously powering
two microphones (AB-power-
ing). Model with XLR-connec-
tors. Dimensions in mm: