
MKH 416 T
Windshield MZW 415
The foam-rubber-windshield
should be drawn over the sound
inlets of the microphone when
wind disturbances are evident.
Largest diameter: 52 mm,
Length: 210 mm,
Reduction of wind disturbance:
approx. 15 dB
Shock Mount MZS 415
The shock mount can be con-
nected to all tripods, booms, etc.
with 3/8" threads and prevents
recordings being disturbed by
footfall or other strong mechani-
cal disturbances.
Diameter: 35 mm, Length: 80 mm.
Microphone Clamp MZQ 415
The clamp can be fitted on tri-
pods, booms etc. with 3/8"
Swivel Mount MZG 415
The swivel mount gives the pos-
sibility to use the desk stand to-
gether with the microphone
clamp or the shock mount for
the MKH 416 T.
Desk Stand MZT 441
The MZT 441 is together with
the swivel mount MZG 415 and
the microphone clamp MZQ 415
or the shoek mount MZS 415 a
stable desk stand for the
MKH 416 T.
The aeeessories given here are intended for use with Sennheiser
transistor condenser microphones of the series . . . 6 T or . . .6 T-U.
Further general aecessories e.g. tripods, booms, table stands ete.
ean be found in our catalogue "Sennheiser revue".
Battery adapters
Battery adapter MZA 15
Can be eonnected into the mi-
crophone line at any point. Fitted
with 9 mercury cells Mallory RM
625, it provides a continous
operation for 50 to 60 hours. The
mercury cells can be purchased
in all shops which eater for the
hard of hearing. To prevent an
unneeessary discharge of the
batteries, the battery adapter
should be unserewed from the
mierophone when it is not in use.
Dimensions in mm: 220x132.
Battery adapter MZA 15-U
Fitted with Cannon eonnector
XLR-3-11 C and plug XLR-3-12 C
for use with the MKH-U types.
Batteries as in MZA 15. Special
feature: If the plug and connector
are connected together the bat-
tery eondition is indicated by a
built-in signal diode. To prevent
an unneeessary discharge of the
batteries the battery adapter
should be unscrewed from the
microphone when it is not in use.
Dimensions in mm:220x152.
Power supplies
Power unit MZN 16T andT-U
For simultaneous powering of
two mierophones. Connection to
220 volt or 110 volt supplies.
The unit can be included in the
microphone cable at any point.
Model T-U with Cannon con-
Dimensions in mm:
168 x 120 x 50.
Auxiliary units
Transistor amplifier KA T 15-2
For the conneetion of condenser
microphones, or symmetrieallow
impedanee dynamie micro-
phones, to the line and access-
ory inputs respectively, of the
Nagra 111or Nagra IV. Selected
T = condenser microphones
N = dynamic microphones
A switehable footfall filter is in-
eluded. Dimensions in mm:
85 x 40 x 25.
Roll-off-filter MZF 15
The roll-olf-filter MZF 15 should
be included only between supply
voltage source and amplifier in-
Frequency reduction
at 50 Hz approx. 6 dB
Dimensions in mm: 220 x 152.
Connecting cable KA 1 and
KA 7
Tripieeonductor screened cable.
Fitted with 3 pin conneetors ac-
cording to DIN 41524.
KA 1: 1.5 m long
KA 7: 7.5.m long.
Conne~ting cable KAM 1-5
For the eonnection of series 6
mierophones to the "Mikroport"
transmitters SK 1006, SK 1007,
SK 1008 and the SER 1. The
microphones are powered from
the transmitter.
KAM 1-5: 1 m long.
Connecting cable KA 7-1
For use with all Senn heiser mi-
crophones with the suffix U. The
KA 7-1 is fitted on one end with
a cannon female connector, the
other end is free for the connec-
tion of the necessary plug. The
cable is 7.5 meters long.