
ESC A (27)D(65)D (1B)H (41)H
Specifies the line feed pitch in units of n/60 inch
{1 n 255} (AGM)
nn n
Specifies the line feed pitch in units of n/60 inch.
When n = 0 , this command is invalid.
ESC B (27)D(66)D (1B)H (42)H
Specifies the vertical tabs.
d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
A maximum of 64 tabs can be specified.
••• dk ••• dk ••• dk
Specify vertical tabs from the lowest tab and end with (00)H.
NUL (00)D (00)H
ESC C (27)D(67)D (1B)H (43)H
Specifies the page length in number of lines.
{1 n 255}
nn n
The maximum page length is 182 inches.
Valid when #32 PAGE LOCK is set to NO in the
ESC C (27)D(67)D (1B)H (43)H
Specifies the page length in inches.
{1 n 182}
Valid when #32 PAGE LOCK is set to NO in the
ESC D (27)D (68 )D (1B)H (44)H
Specifies the horizontal tabs.
d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
A maximum of 28 tabs can be specified.
••• dk ••• dk ••• dk
Specify horizontal tabs from the lowest tab and end with (00)H.
NUL (00)D (00)H
ESC E (27)D(69)D (1B)H (45)H
Specifies emphasized printing.
ESC F (27)D(70)D (1B)H (46)H
Cancels emphasized printing.
ESC G (27)D(71)D (1B)H (47)H
Specifies double-striking.
ESC H (27)D(72)D (1B)H (48)H
Cancels double-striking.
ESC I (27)D(73)D (1B)H (49)H
Selects a font.
n = 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
nn n
If the value “n” is not as specified above, this command is invalid.
ESC J (27)D(74)D (1B)H (4A)H
Executes line feeding at a pitch of n/216 inches.
(1 n 255)
nn n
ESC J (27)D(74)D (1B)H (4A)H
Executes line feeding at a pitch of n/180 inches.
(AGM) (1 n 255)
nn n
ESC K (27)D(75)D (1B)H (4B)H Specifies the 8-dot single- density graphic mode.
n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2
Number of data
k = n1 + n2 x 256
d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2 Horizontal dot density : 60dpi
••• dk ••• dk ••• dk
Maximum dots per line:
816 dot
ESC L (27)D(76)D (1B)H (4C)H Specifies the 8-dot double-density graphic mode.
n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2
Number of data
k = n1 + n2 x 256
d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
Horizontal dot density : 120dpi
••• dk ••• dk ••• dk
Maximum dots per line
: 1632 dot
8. Software commands
IBM Software commands
Decimal Hex
n Internal/download Character quality Character width
0 Internal font Draft 10 CPI
2 Internal font LQ 10 CPI
3 Internal font LQ Proportional
4 Download Draft 10 CPI
6 Download LQ 10 CPI
7 Download LQ Proportional
8 Internal font Draft 12 CPI
10 Internal font LQ 12 CPI
12 Download Draft 12 CPI
14 Download LQ 12 CPI
16 Internal font Draft Condensed
18 Internal font LQ Condensed
20 Download Draft Condensed
22 Download LQ Condensed