Special Care for Special Thiings
In the following hints for better washing, an all-purpose
detergent should be used unless stated otherwise. See Con-
trol Setting Chart (page 10) for dryer timer settings.
Always consult garment label:; and hang tags for manufac-
turer's washing and drying instructions before machine
washing and drying.
I AXWARNING ]Do not use heat to dry foam rubber or Similarly textured rubber-like materials, or pillows and clothing with
feathers/down. Man-made fibers (synthetics) such as polyester, nylon, and acrylics must be dried on LOW heat.
Page 12
Pretreat heavilysoiled areas; brush on a little liquid detergent, or wet area
and rub in detergent. UseWarm soak for oil, juice stains;Cold for egg,
cereal stains.
Rinse at on_;e,soak in diaper pail with solution of cold water and borax
(½ tsp. to gal.). Soak before washingwith a pre-soak product and
warm water.
Plastic lined pants, bibs, crib sheets should be dried separately.
Shake out [lust. Removestains. Pretreat heavily soiled areas with
detergent. Wash one large or two small blankets at a time.
:ollowmanufacturer's recommendations.
:ollowmanufacturer's directions.
If badly sun-weakened, even hand washing will cause tearing. Be sure
colors are fast and fabric is washable. Removehooks and non-washable
trim. Use Warm soak if heavily soiled.
Donot wash or dry.
use Warm soak.
Turn slack,';and dark items inside out to prevent whitening and frosting of
seams and creases.
Hot ?,old Cotton Sturdy Timed
- - (High Heat)
Warm Cold Knits/Delicate Knits/Delicate
(Low Heat)
Hot Cold CottonSturdy Timed
(High Heat)
Wash with regular baby wash.
Warm Cold
Warm Cold
_retreatcollars and cuffs with liquid laundry detergent. Hot Cold
Pretreat heavily soiled areas by rubbing in liquid laundry detergent. Let
stand 30 to 60 minutes. If clothes are heavily soiled use Warm SOAK for
grease and oil, Cold SOAKfor dust or blood-stained garments. Use 1/4 to
1/2 to 1 cup in WASH.
Frequent washing lengthens life, helps _rg.tainshape. Removenon-
washable trim. Closezippers, fasten hooks.
Some plastics w|ll tear ff machine-washed. Place small items in mesh bag
for washing. If shower curtains are soap-stained, add water softenerto
don't use detergent.
Follow label directions.
;hake out dirt. Air dry rubber-like or rubber-backed rugs. Wash one large
or two s_dl ruffs at a time. Follow label instructions.
Use Warm Soak for pillowcases stained with hair oil.
Be sure colors are fast and fabric is washable. Mend tears; remove
detachable trim and fasteners. Wash only one large or two small chair
covers at a time. Cotton covers may be lightly starched.
Prelreat around neckline. Follow manufacturer's recommendations.
special care to avoid shrinkage.
Removeslains. Soak it necessary. Use Hot wash for white and
Warm for others.
Use Warn',Soak with 1/2 cup bleach for stained tea towels.
Many are machine washable. However, because of its physical properties,
wool may shrink during washing.As a general rule, it it can be hand
washed, it can be "washed" by soaking in the water. A liquid detergent
Is preferred because it dissolves faster in a soak than granulated. Pre-treat
woolens wilh liquid deterqent. Never use chlodnebleach.
Shake oul dirt. turn pockels inside out. Soak clothes (see page 6). then
wash thorou_hly_
Hot or Warm / Cold
Hot or Warm I Cold
See "Washin,;] oolens,"
page 11.
Warm Celd
Hot Cold
See pa_e 11.
Air Fluff
Knits/Delicate See parle 11.
Perm Press Auto. Fabric
(Med. Heat)
Perm Press Auto. Fabric
(Med. Heat']
Perm Press Auto. Fabric
(Med. Heat)
Knits/Delicate Knits/Delicate
(Low Heat)
Knits/Delicate Air Fluff
See "Woolens," page 11.
Cotton Sturcly
Cotton Sturdy
to a minimum
Perm Press Auto. Fabric
(Med. Heat)
Perm Press Auto. Fabric
(Med. Heat)
_ (Low Heat)
See page 11.
Cotton Slurd
(High Heat)
(High Heat)
See page 11