For some of the most common types of connections, see the following drawings. Use only one connection. For
any further complex connections, please contact your local dealer or other qualified persons. (You may need
additional accessories which are not supplied).
L'i{i_t Ik_l _][I_LII | II ,_-_ii_l_,l_,r;!
(l)Disconnect the round 75-ohm combination
VHF/UHF coaxial antenna cable from the back of
your TV set.
(2)Reconnect the coaxial cable to ANT. IN terminal of
the VCR.
(3)Connect oi_cend of the COAXIAL CABLE (,sup-
plied) to the ANT. OUT jack of the VCR.
(4)Connect the other end of the COAXIAL CABLE
(supplied) to the antenna/cable jack of your TV.
Combination Antenna
[Backofthe "IV] :.,,,._:r u
I 1 ,,,'_: ""--'_xial cable t_
()_;) ..... (nolsupplied) _. (2)
'" 131
(,)' I. • - €1
L =xj
[1_¥ IkvJ[KOT_Ik'qV,.IIIEV.'I HB1
(l)Disconnect the CATV coaxial cable from the back
of your TV set.
(2)Reconnect the CATV coaxial cable to ANT. IN ter-
minal of the VCR.
(,3)Connect one end of the COAXIAL CABLE (sup-
plied) to the ANT. OUT jack of the VCR.
(4)Connect the other end of the COAXIAL CABLE
(supplied) to the antenna/cable jack of your TV.
IFromCableCompany I
[Back ofthe TV_J :,°,"_"
I...... i::C_al cable t_
(, ) It' _,_;_.... (notsupplied) _ (2)
(,)' I" - "
Note to CATV system installer
This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that
provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected
to the grounding system of the building as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
"***** 5C16