For 1he iepair or replacement parts you need
deliverg,d directly to your home
Call 7 am - 7 pro, 7 days a week
Para ordenar piezas con entrega a
domicili0 .- 1-800-659-7084
For" in-h.0,use major brand repair service
Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
l o80 ;4..REPAIR
Para pedi_- servicio de reparacidn a
domicilio - 1-800-676-5811
For the focation of a Sears Parts and
Repair Center in your area
Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
For' inf6r:niation on purchasing a Sears
Maintenance Agreement or to inquire
about an existing Agreement
Call 9 am - 5 pro, Monday-Saturday
1-.800 .827°6655
When requesting service or ordering
parts, airways provide the following
• Product T.£pe o Part Number
° Model N'ember ° Part Description
Amertcas Repacr .,.qpeclailsts
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