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Under certain conditions, suchas very tall grass,
it may be necessary to raise the height of cut to
reduce pushing effort and to keep from
overloading the engine and leaving clumps of
grass clippings.
For extremely heavy cutting, reduce the wtdth of
cut and raise the rear of the lawn mower hous-
ing one (1) wheel adjuster setting higher than the
front for better discharge ofgrass. .
o For better grass bagging andmost cutting con-
ditions, the engine speed should be set in the
"HIGH" (FAST) position.
When using a rear discharge lawn mower in
moist, heavy grass, clumpsof cut grass may not
enter the grass catcher_ Reduce ground speed
(pushingspeed) and/or run the lawn mower over
the area a second time.
If a trail of grass clippings is left on the right side
of a rear discharge lawn mower, mow in a
clockwise direction with a small overlap to col-
lect the clippings on the next pass.
o Pores in cloth grass catchers can become filled
with dirt and dust with use and catchers will col-
lect lessgrass. To prevent this, regularly hosecat-
cher off with water and let dry before using.
. Keep top of engine around starter clear and clean
of grassclippings and chaff. Thiswdi help engine
air flow and extend engine life_
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