Shear Pin
Hairpin Clip
Sharp Edge
Sharp Edge
Sharp Edge
Hairpin Clip
Shear Pin
Counter Tine
Sharp Edges
3-1/2" Max
• To main tain the superb tilling per for -
mance of this ma chine the tines should
be checked for sharp ness, wear, and
bend ing, par tic u lar ly the tines which
are next to the trans mis sion. If the gap
between the tines ex ceeds 3-1/2 inch es
they should be re placed or straight ened
as nec es sary.
• New tines should be assembled. Sharp-
ened tine edges will rotate rear
Maintenance, repair, or replacement of
the emission control devices and sys tems,
which are being done at the cus tom ers ex-
pense, may be performed by any non-road
engine repair es tab lish ment or in di vid u al.
Warranty repairs must be per formed by an
authorized engine man u fac tur er's service
The carburetor has been preset at the
fac to ry and ad just ment should not be
nec es sary. However, engine per for mance
can be affected by dif fer enc es in fuel, tem-
per a ture, al ti tude or load. If the carburetor
does need ad just ment, contact your near-
est Sears or other qualifi ed service center.
IMPORTANT: Never tamper with the
en gine governor, which is factory set
for prop er engine speed. Over speed ing
the engine above the factory high speed
set ting can be dangerous. If you think
the en gine-governed high speed needs
ad just ing, contact your nearest Sears or
other qualifi ed service center which has
the proper equip ment and ex pe ri ence to
make any nec es sary ad just ments.