...... ...................................................... = , = ................. =,,,=,=........................ _
CLEAN AiR SCREEN (See Fig. 16)
Air screen must be kept free of dirt and chaff to prevent
engine damage from overheating. Clean with a wire brush
or compressed air to remove dirt and stubborn dried gum
AIR FILTER (See Fig. 16)
Your engine will not run properly using a dirty air filter.
Clean the foam pre-cleaner after every 25 hours of opera-
tion or every season_ Service paper cartridge every 100
hours of operation or every season, whichever' occurs firsL
Service air cleaner more often under dusty conditions.
o Remove knob and cover'.
o Remove wing nut and air cleaner from base..
o Slide foam pre-cleaner off cartridge.
o Wash it in liquid detergent and water.
o Squeeze it dry in a clean cloth.
o Saturate it in engine oil Wrap it in clean, absorbent
cloth and squeeze to remove excess oil
o Gently tap the flat side of the paper cartridge to dis-
lodge dirt.. Do not wash the paper cartridge or use
pressurized air, as this will damage the cartridge.
Replace a dirty, bent, or damaged cartridge°
o Reinstall the pre-cieaner (cleaned and oited) over the
paper cartridge=
o Reassemble air cleaner, wing nut, cover and tighten
knob securely_
To insure proper cooling, make sure the grass screen,
cooling fins, and other external surfaces of the engine are
kept clean at al! times°
Every 100 hours of operation (more often under extremely
dusty, dirty conditions), remove the blower' housing and
other cooling shroud& Clean the cooling fins and external
surfaces as necessary. Make sure the cooling shrouds are
NOTE: Operating the engine with a blocked grass screen,
dirty or plugged cooling fins, and/or cooling shrouds re-
moved will cause engine damage due to overheating_
Inspect and replace corroded muffler and spark attester (if
equipped) as itcould create a fire hazard and/or damage.
Replace spark plugs at the beginning of each mowing
season or after every 100 hours of operation, whichever
occurs first. Spark plug type and gap setting are shown in
"PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" on page 3 of this manual